As Seen On The Bathroom Wall

The best ideas come while sitting on the pot.

I've speared him.

Took my harpoon and lodged it directly into his now twitching eye.

My addiction, my obsession, my love, my torment has now enthralled my husband so much, he has spent the ENTIRE WEEKEND reading all 4 Twilight Series books. Not content to read it on just the laptop, I have had to download the ebooks onto the DT as well, which mattered little, since he spent most of the weekend in bed with the laptop anyway, preventing me from getting in a decent chat with any of my friends...or working.

I watched him read, looking to see if his reactions to anything in particular would tell me if he was thoroughly enjoying the read, or simply trying to fathom why it is that I have not put my blackberry down to read anything else. I heard him laugh at things he was supposed to, and also find humor in things that he probably wouldn't have had he never met me, twisted person that I am. I glowed when he called me over to a highlighted section of text, telling me that he thinks he now knows why I am in love with these books. (I love you, more.)

And now, as he stays up past his bed time to read a few more chapters in the final book, I have to smile, knowing that I won't have to pretend I merely want to see the story brought to life when we go and watch the movie in November. He wants to watch it, too...although I'm sure that he'll be looking at Kristen Stewart with half the interest that I'll have looking at Robert Pattinson.



  1. Susie said...
    I cannot believe you got him to read the books! I guess your interest (read obsession) piqued his interest. Glad he liked them almost as much as you did!
    |s|h|a|r|o|n| said...
    I was surprised myself that he read them, but then again, I did get him to read the Lioness Quartet! I think what did it was the fact that when he came home on Friday, I still hadn't gone to the library to borrow a new book for him. Bwahahahaha!!
    ChristinaM1981 said...
    I think I scared the man half to death singing 'the wiggles' to "you" LOL!
    Colette S said...
    That's like dating...The dh and I do that with tom clancy and other books. It's quite interesting.

    Now you both go enjoy the movie...well when it comes out or is it already out.

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