As Seen On The Bathroom Wall

The best ideas come while sitting on the pot.


I did it.

I stalked a congresswoman today.

Not just any congresswoman. MY congresswoman.

Her poor aide must have been nervousing herself something fierce, watching this little hapa-korean woman with a baby following her and Congresswoman Hirono around the Waimanalo Polo Field, eyes all focused and intent, stroller loaded with a diaper bag that looks like it could be carrying a bomb. Or 100 cans of spam.

I didn't even realize what I was doing until about 10 minutes in and I saw a man with an ear piece eye me out.

Oh yeah. The guy with the perpetual "stink eye" could go and talk to her, but not lil o' me. Then again, Mr. Stink Eye probably had a speck of dirt on his cornea, while I was literally trying to win the stare down contest with the aide.

You'd think, with all the luck I had with the Lt. Gov, and the Senator, that I'd be able to talk to Madam Congresswoman, but NOOOOOOO. Not even after a good 30 break was I able to get to have a small chat with this woman whom my homeroom teacher pined after way back in 94, when she was merely Lt. Gov to be. Maybe her outfit was making her hot. Long black dresses, even those with lavender trim, aren't suitable for mid-day heat. Perhaps it was the fact that Ann Kobayashi was there, trying to garner support for her mayoral bid? Who knows. (I know a secret...)

At the end of the day, though, I completely forgot about stalking her. Who wouldn't, what with one of our senators serenading us with a local favorite? It's not everyday that we're actually served by our politicians. I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.


1 Comment:

  1. Shirley said...
    Hehehe... I vote for Spam! Too bad you didn't get to talk to her.

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